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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Under Construction

It seems as though some part of the house or my LIFE is always UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Right now it is my art room.I have been in the process of trying to get things more organized. My Art room is very small so everything has to have its place or everything wont fit. I am  usually the type to have everything spread out where I can see it. Learning to work out of boxes and bins is going to be a new concept for me. It feels as though everything is Hiding.  I am searching for tags that I like , so that I can label everything. 
 I am also in the process of creating an Etsy shop ( Curiosities for hire) . I will be offering up a variety of vintage pieces along with pieces that I create.There will be anything from old and new watch pieces (for the steam punk inspired) to Victorian frilly pieces and shabby chic thrown in for good measure. While living in Texas I had a shop called (At Home Again) so,right now I still have a lot of items that I brought with me from Texas. There are quite a few pieces that were found in an old dilapidated abandoned Barn. Some really cool stuff. Some of it I had no clue what it's purpose was. So being the curious person that I am I rescued it and proceeded to get online and look it up. 
 I am hoping that me and my adhd self can learn to stay on task when looking through all of my (not yet labeled) boxes with out getting distracted. I love organization every where in my life except my art room. 
Is there any one else out there like me, I ponder. It seems that on a bunch of the blogs ladies are posting beautiful pictures of they're beautifully organized Creative Spaces. I have started feeling horribly ashamed of my messy motley little nest.  
 I would like to say to every one that there are so many beautiful blogs out there and how so many of you have inspired me with beautiful pictures and words to be creative again. One of my very favorites though is the GRAPHICS FAIRY . Her willingness to share her talent and pictures moves me. She is beloved by her fellow bloggers and artist. 
 So its time for me to get back to moving things around.
Farewell for today.

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